Sunday, June 23, 2013

Brain Tumor Research & How It May Tie Into Durham

By Rob Sutter

Those who aren't even vaguely familiar with brain tumor research will most likely be able to tell you how one's physical condition is changed because of the ailment. It's a condition that can slow down just about anyone, which is understandable. That being said, is it possible that there are those who will work harder despite the roadblock that has been placed in front of them? From what I've seen in a story about a Durham male, it seems to only serve as motivation to work harder.

The subject of Greg Sousa has come about in an article on the Herald-Sun. Basically, he was able to move onto the finals of the Ironman Hawaii competition, another step closer to his goal, thanks to the amount of votes and support given by the public. It's clear that the 43-year-old man afflicted with cancer has been the subject of a great story and one that should earn the attention of organizations related to awareness, Voices Against Brain Cancer included. Brain tumor research activists will most likely focus on this as well.

Make no mistake about it; Sousa is not a rookie at this kind of event. In fact, ever since he was 23 years old, he has taken part in 30 different triathlons, which is astounding in my eyes. Last summer, he was diagnosed with cancer after a two-inch tumor was discovered in his brain. It has since then been removed but even though there are still cells which remain, it's clear that he has a passion for racing and the widely covered Ironman Hawaii could be considered one of the peaks.

Sousa's effort definitely deserves to be mentioned because it seems like he has not slowed down in terms of physical activity. This is interesting because most would consider cancer with this symptom, as individuals may not be able to physically work, at least not for long stretches. Sousa has done well, though, keeping up with multiple activities en route to the finals. Not only has he been running but swimming and cycling have been done as well, so much that they can be considered rituals.

Brain tumor research is something that requires a great deal of attention and it's good to see that there is an audience for this. It's apparent that work can be done to make it greater and I believe that these kinds of stories can help. They may not talk so much about the medical background of this type of cancer but rather the efforts of those who have been afflicted. They seem to bring their all into any kind of endeavor and this race has done exactly that for Sousa.

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