Saturday, December 21, 2013

ICT-107 & Speaking About Brain Tumor Awareness

By Rob Sutter

When it comes to brain tumor awareness, I do not think that anyone can argue with the fact that there are many therapies to take into consideration. You want to make sure that these growths are targeted, which is something that cannot be done unless the best procedures are set in place. What can be said about the ICT-107 vaccine, you may wonder? Judging from a recent report, it seems as though this one may be able to prove especially strong when it comes to survival rates amongst patients.

An article on Medical News Today went into detail about this particular matter and I do not think that it is hard to see why. Keep in mind that glioblastoma multiforme is the condition being targeted here, which is something that can be said about most other procedures related to brain tumor awareness. The level of aggression seen in this particular condition is something that no other tumor type can match. As a result, organizations along the lines of Voices against Brain Cancer are going to focus on it.

When it comes to the cells that are involved in this particular condition, regeneration seems to come about rather quickly. This is due, at least to some degree, to the blood stream that seems to be rather constant within the body. This is a point that the American Brain Tumor Association went into detail about. In addition, it was said that the risk of the condition increases with age - especially with men - but it seems like it can come about in anyone, regardless of factors like age or gender.

The Cedars-Sinai Medical Group put together a study that would be able to bring the ICT-107 vaccine into use in a big way. The way that this drug would be put to use is that it would tell the immune system about the cancerous cells, which would then lead to a response that could kill the tumor. However, this is not a vaccine that can be administered immediately, as basic surgery is required beforehand. Once this is done, the drug is brought into the body three times a week during two-week intervals.

I think that these particular results were quite positive, as it seems like seven of the sixteen patients that were originally involved could be helped that much more in the long term. Survival rates extended between 60.7 and 82.7 months, which is great for those who consistently bring attention to the matter. In addition, take into account that six of the original patients were said to be "progression-free." They did not have to worry about tumors coming back and the fact that treatment did not have to be followed up on speaks greater volumes.

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