Friday, September 5, 2014

Many Consider Low Back Pain Leading Cause Of Disability

By Neil P. Hines

Have you ever woken up in the morning and every time you move to try and get out of bed your leg starts paining all the way up your spine towards you neck. This is so sore and really does make a person feel that they do not even want to move. This article will explain to you how come many consider low back pain leading cause of disability.

This kind of pain is also known as lumbago. Lumbago is something or a disorder that will involve the bones as well as the muscles. It can sometimes only involve either or. Many doctors may diagnose lumbago according to the duration of the discomfort.

To start off with, lumbago can be split into four different categories and the doctors will use these categories to diagnose a patient. The categories are inflammatory, musculoskeletal, and infectious as well as malignancy. Things that can cause lumbago will be factors like poor posture, bad physical condition, smoking, bad sleeping positions, obesity, stress as well as even pregnancy.

The kind of discomfort that you may be experiencing can be only very mild tenderness across the lumber part or it can be so intense that you can hardly move. Certain kinds of movements have the ability to make some of the discomfort much worse than others. Movements like raising your legs might not be as bad as moving your body to sit or stand in a certain positions.

Malignancy can include bone metastasis from the thyroid, prostate, breast and lungs among others. The last category, the infectious category includes something called osteomyelitis. There are ways to prevent lumbago. The most effective way to really prevent lumbago is to do regular back exercises. You should not overdo it but you need to exercise the muscles and joints on a regular basis. You need to make sure that you need to make sure that you are sleeping on a proper mattress.

The mattress should not be too soft or too hard. The mattress needs to be firm and it needs to be able to support your back and provide the surface to give your body a good posture even while you are sleeping. As mentioned before, if you do not have good posture when you sleep you can also hurt your back and you can then suffer from lumbago.

Your mattress needs to be firm so that when you sleep, your whole body is supported. You need to make sure that you have the right kind of pillow to sleep with because even your neck needs to have the proper support. If your neck does not have the right support, you can still hurt your spine and end up with lumbago.

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