Friday, October 5, 2018

Using Iridology Techniques As A Predictor Of Potential Health Risks

By Paul Rogers

Using alternative therapies to uncover possible health problems is becoming more popular. Some methods that are gaining in acceptance have been used for thousands of years. It's possible your ancestors had the answers to a lot of issues that perplex you. There was absolutely no technology involved in the iridology techniques ancient civilizations used as a basis for uncovering the underlying causes of common physical problems.

If eyes are the windows into the soul, ancient man concluded the iris and its coloration was an extension of one's brain and an indication of the health of the rest of the body. Modern iridology came into vogue in the latter part of the nineteenth century when a Hungarian doctor noticed a correlation between certain streaks in his patient's irises and the physical problems he was having. The doctor created a chart that believers use now to correspond changes in one's iris with physical changes in the body that might indicate issues like inflammation and hardening of the arteries.

Responsible professionals want patients to understand that studying the iris is not a means of diagnosing illnesses. Evaluating irises can not tell doctors their patients have diabetes or cancer. Studies of changes in iris coloration does show experienced professionals the genetic tendencies, or predisposition, one may have to certain illnesses. Iridology is a way to predict potential problems.

The process of having your iris examined is simple and painless. You fill out a form describing your medical history and lifestyle prior to the non-invasive examination. A technician uses a irisodoscope, which is simply a magnifying glass, to examine the eye. Sometimes they use a camera to take pictures of an iris. These are downloaded into a computer for analysis.

You should take some precautions before you submit to any examination. If you want to have your iris analyzed to give you health information, you need to find a reputable professional who is experienced and has the proper credentials. You can find listings of certified iridologists online at the International Iridology Practitioner Association.

The techniques have some controversy attached to them. There have been studies in which several iridologists examined patients with the same ailment. They did not unanimously conclude what that ailment was. There was disagreement among the iridologists about what ailment the patients had. On the flip side, studies have been done showing the technique as an effective way to assist physicians in evaluating a predisposition for certain diseases and chronic conditions.

The conclusion seems to be that you must steer clear of any practitioner who claims to have diagnostic abilities using this technique. There are individuals who tell patients they can see cancers and parasites by examining the irises of those patients. These people should be avoided.

There is agreement that skilled practitioners can examine the coloration of the iris and draw some general conclusions. The technique can be an effective screening tool. You should ask your primary care doctor about using it along with traditional diagnostic methods.

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