Monday, March 30, 2015

The Impact Of The Navicular Pain On Race Horses

By Lelia Hall

This is a disease that arises from the inflammation of the navicular bone and tissues surrounding the area. It affects the front feet of a horse. As the bone gets subjected to continuous compression, degeneration happens. The cartilage flattens and soon becomes less shock absorbing and springy. The syndrome causes navicular pain on the heel area and eventually leads to lameness in athletic horses.

It becomes noticeable when a sick horse avoids applying pressure to this bone through placing weight on its toe. The horse also takes longer to stop in its stride. It shifts its position quite often when it is at a standstill. The horse does this in order to ease the pressure and pain away from the infected bone. This shifting gives the animal comfort with the easing of pain.

A positive prognosis of the disease is arrived at through observing clinical signs and through radiography. A veterinarian is able to treat the horse once they identify sickness through x-rays. A comprehensive physical examination of infected horses hoof area serves as confirmation about the presence of a malady. Again, a sick horse will clearly give the identifying signs which will enable a veterinarian detect presence of particular syndrome.

Testers applied on the painful spot will reveal that the horse is indeed sick with the syndrome. A flinching response will correspond directly to the application of pressure on a sick navicular bone. The most affected hoof of a horse will appear smaller in comparison with the apparent healthier hoof. This is because the horses will constantly shift weight to the deceptively healthier leg.

A sick horse can be restored to its original peak performing activities. This can be made possible should the proper treatment and tender care be applied. The disease does not kill the horse. If an athlete has problems with any part of their legs, it does not mean the end of their sporting activities. It only makes them adequately aware of their problem leading to better care of their legs. A similar situation arises where with horses afflicted.

The syndrome normally infects both of front feet. An initial examination may identity just one of the lame legs as infected. However, as soon as the nervous system of a leg suffers blockage, the horse gives the appearance of limping on the other leg. That phenomenon of limping raises the red flag for the veterinarian which indicates the presence of this syndrome.

In order to treat the disease, proper shoes for a particular horse must be picked. Making frequent adjustments to correct shoes must be avoided as much as possible. It leads to the infection through faults such as under-runs or defective long shoes. Another remedial technique is to balance a horses hooves from the front to the back and from each side to each side. This eases the pain on the sick horse. It is imperative that front hooves are parallel with the pastern line as well as the shoes back.

Isoxsuprine is another good remedial option to take. It has proved quite successful so far in treating this syndrome. It promotes blood flow and circulation. It also assists in blood vessels dilution upon an afflicted navicular bone. Good exercise also enhances blood circulation.

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