Sunday, October 12, 2014

Stop Snoring With A Chicago Sleep Medicine Center

By Jorel Tuyor

Many people wake up each night with a partner pushing them or tapping them on the shoulder. Snoring can become a real problem and you may have to sleep in separate rooms. However, separate sleeping arrangements do not solve the problem and it is best to visit your sleep medicine center. They offer effective Chicago insomnia therapy and help with snoring.

If you snore occasionally when you have a cold or are congested that is not usually a problem. However, long term or chronic snoring is almost always a sign of sleep apnea. Apnea means "no breathing" and it occurs when you stop breathing in the middle of the night.

Snoring from apnea happens when breathing passages are blocked completely or partially. This is caused by tissue in the throat and the blockage is the reason for the snoring sounds. However, apnea can lead to serious health problems, so it is important to get help as soon as possible.

When your throat is obstructed while sleeping, your brain sends an emergency signal to awaken you, so you can breathe again. This might happen multiple times all night long. Each time you wake up it becomes harder to get back to sleep and the sleep you receive will not be of high quality. In fact, many snorers are tired upon awakening and have very little energy during the day. In addition, sleep apnea makes you more likely to develop high blood pressure, strokes, or heart attacks.

When you visit a sleep medicine center you have professional help. You are examined and tested to determine why you snore. Most people find that CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machines eliminate snoring, because they keep airways open. This lets you get the kind of sleep that you need.

Obesity is a major cause of apnea and CPAP oral appliances with weight management can be very effective. However, some people may require surgery to remove tissue in the throat. Your Chicago sleep center offers complete care and diagnostics for all kinds of sleep disorders.

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