Sunday, January 20, 2019

What To Know Regarding Dogs With Colds

By Robin Setser

If you catch a cold, you have a general idea of what to do. Ample rest, plenty of water, and a high dosage of vitamin C go a long way, but this isn't exactly the same when it comes to dogs. Yes, canines are entirely capable of catching colds, which many pet owners don't realize. For a better understanding of what this condition is all about, here is some useful information that pet owners should take into account.

According to companies like Assisi Animal Health, if a dog catches a cold, it's not due to a single cause. As a matter of fact, this issue arises as a result of numerous viruses, each of which work together in order to cause symptoms that are associated with the common cold. The viruses in question can be transmitted by physical contact, or even through the air. Regardless, it's important to recognize the symptoms in question as early as possible.

Canine colds aren't without their symptoms. Like humans, dogs will start by developing runny roses. From there, they will cough or sneeze to the point where their quality of life diminishes. Signs like these are common, but this doesn't mean that these animals have to suffer for long. As a matter of fact, if you bring your pet to the veterinarian, they will be able to give your pet the care that they need in order to become better.

The specific treatment is difficult to nail down, simply because every canine's situation is different. If their cold is severe, antibiotics may be prescribed, which is common. For milder cases, rest and fluids will be recommended. To prevent future colds, a pet owner should be aware of the places that their dog visits. When they're a safe distance away from infected animals, not only will they worry less about colds but other potential illnesses as well.

Hopefully this information provided you with the help you'll need if your dog develops a cold. There's no denying the fact that this is a bothersome condition, which is why you should seek help as soon as symptoms arise. Fortunately, treatment is entirely possible. The symptoms in question, and the illness itself, will subside in due time. It's a simple matter of how quickly you provide the care that your dog needs.

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