Sunday, December 8, 2013

Common Symptoms Of Dementia

By Jack Morgan

Those who are vulnerable in society need special care. This includes the sickly, the aged and the little ones i.e. our children. Unfortunately, many people fail to recognise a sickly person when that person does not exhibit any obvious symptoms of a given disease. This is usually the case for anybody who suffers from dementia. Those suffering from this type of medical condition fail to get the proper care because people in society do not understand what dementia is and what its symptoms are.

The major symptom of dementia is loss of memory that affects the day to day life of the victim. It becomes difficult for a patient to remember recently learned information. Other signs that shows that a person has memory loss is forgetting events or dates, keeping on asking the same questions and an increasing tendency to rely on other people to assist with performing the simplist of tasks.

The most important thing that you should know in regards to dementia is that it occurs in two distinctive stages i.e. the early stage and the last stage of dementia. This is because dementia is a progressive kind of medical condition. In other words, it gradually deteriorates with time. Similarly, each of these stages has distinctive symptoms. New symptoms will emerge in the late stage of dementia while earlier symptoms will get worse. Here are some of the early symptoms of dementia.

This problem tends to affect the functioning of the brain, thus it might make a person develop difficulties to make clear judgments. It becomes a problem for a person to make good judgment such as wearing the right clothes depending on weather conditions. Decreased judgment can affect the performance in work or in any other roles. If this problem is not handled effectively it can lead to total disorientation in a patient's life.

It is normal for every person to face some difficulties when performing tasks that require abstract thinking. However, dementia makes the problem worse because it may become difficult for a person to recognize the meaning of numbers that are easy to interpret, for example, what some numbers in a cheque book means. If the problem affects students it can lead to poor performance as it become difficult to interpret or translate what is learned.

To being with, a person suffering from late stage dementia the will lose his or her appetite. A substantial loss in weight will also accompany this loss in appetite. In addition, this person will not be able to perform simple functions while eating. These functions may include chewing and swallowing food. Therefore, you should help this person as much as you can to eat and swallow properly.

A person suffering from dementia tends to misplace things very easily. For instance, a person will misplace common items such as wallets or keys and fail to find them completely. This is one of the symptoms that show that this problem has severe effects to the functioning of the brain.

Dementia leads to changes in personality to a great extent. Despite that a people's personality change with age, dementia can lead to change of personality by making a person look confused, withdrawn or suspicious. Some other changes may also include apathy or acting in some abnormal ways.

Character change is another symptom of dementia. A person might demonstrate mood swings, increased anxiety, become suspicious or develop feeling of fear. An individual may also get upset easily if the normal routine is changed or disrupted.

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