Sunday, December 14, 2014

Steps In Observing The Right Surgical Drain Management

By Lucia Weeks

Operations are performed by surgeons on some people so that their lives can be saved. Foreign objects might have to be removed from their bodies, such as bullets or tumors. Organ transplants might be needed by these people for those that do not properly work to be replaced.

After these operations, the surgeons will most likely place apparatuses on the incisions to prevent fluid and blood buildup for their fast recoveries. The doctors will only remove these apparatuses, known as surgical drains, when the liquids are only 30 ml or less in one day. As for the patients, they have to observe proper surgical drain management to prevent further complications.

Before these routines are performed, their hands should be washed thoroughly. Afterwards, these things should be unpinned from their clothing and placed on clean towels. These should not be put just anywhere, especially where there could be bacterias. The drains could be reached by the bacterias that will result to infections.

The individual should be holding the tube sticking out of his incision site with one hand. He should be using his free hand in gently squeezing all liquid which will be flowing through the tube. He should be squeezing from top down to bottom. He should see to it that he will be pushing all fluid to the drainage bulb. At this instance, it is normal if the tube will be stretching.

If volume indicators are present in the bulbs, these should be held at eye level so that they could be clearly measured. If there are no volume indicators, measuring cups can be utilized, instead. These things should be opened and the liquids poured down to these cups. They need to ensure that even small amounts will not be left behinds. The fluids are usually pinkish or yellowish.

The persons should take note of the volumes of the liquids and record them in their log books. They also have to indicate the time of day alongside them. The doctors will use these records to determine if they can already remove the drains or not yet. Afterwards, the patients should pour these liquids down to the toilets and flush them.

The measuring cups should be washed after being utilized. Peroxide can be applied on these things for bacterias to be avoided. These things should be stored in similar places together, such as the clean towels, pens, and log books, so that their routines can be performed continuously. However, these should be kept away from the children.

After they finish their routines, the patients should pin these drains back to their clothes. They also need to wash their hands thoroughly again. If they want to, they can apply peroxide on the skins around the incision sites to make sure that possible bacteria will not enter from there.

If their skins around their incisions where these tubes stick out are noticed to be red or swollen, doctors should be immediately consulted. The same thing should be done if fluids smell bad and have bright red colors or pus or if the volumes increased or stopped. The appropriate actions will be taken by the doctors for these situations to be remedied.

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