Churg-Strauss Syndrome is one form of a group of conditions known as vasculitis. Vasculitis diseases are conditions in which there is inflammation of the blood vessels. Churg-Strauss syndrome often occurs in patients who have a history of asthma or who often suffer from allergies. The blood vessels involved in this particular condition are small arteries and small veins. It is a highly variable condition, so therefore the course and the presentation of it widely varies from patient to patient.
Churg-Strauss Syndrome is a type of vasculitis that causes the blood vessels to become inflamed in the abdomen and the lungs as well as on the skin, it can also affect the nerve system. The actual cause of Churg-Strauss Syndrome has yet to be discovered, but in most cases it starts by affecting the immune system of asthma and bronchial sufferers. The cause has also been linked to several asthma medications known as leukotriene-modifiers although this has not been confirmed.
A person with Churg-Strauss Syndrome may find that they have recently suffered a loss in weight. They may also suffer from fevers and a lot of the time they may feel extremely tired and weak.
Early stages of CSS Syndrome are characterised by allergy. Almost all of the patients have experienced asthma andor allergies. On average, in patients, the asthma develops from between three to nine years before the symptoms show. Sinusitis is also present in some patients.
One stage that is most common in all sufferers, however, is the allergic stage, consisting of asthma, sinus pain and hayfever. The allergic stage is typically the first of several, with immune system related symptoms often following it. Medically this stage is known as eosinophilic stage and relates to intricacies arising from the white blood cells, the presence of which is normally notably, and sometimes dangerously, higher in those with Churg-Strauss than those without. Though the symptoms relating to this - amongst them fever, loss of appetite and fatigue - do not sound overly severe, a particularly high white blood cell count can have perilous affects on the body.
Latter stages are the onset of vasculitis. This is the inflammation of the blood vessels and therefore a reduction of blood flow to different organs and tissues. The local and systemic symptoms all become a lot more widespread. Severe complications can also arise at this stage. Thrombosis in the damaged arteries can sometimes occur. Some patients can experience recurring abdominal complaints. The most life threatening complication of this stage is heart disease. Heart disease is the cause of nearly a half of all the deaths in patients with Churg-Strauss syndrome.
The treatment for Churg-Strauss syndrome includes: Immunosuppressive drugs, High dose Steroids, Cyclophospamide puls therapy. In addition to this, in many cases the disease can perhaps be put into a remission through drug therapy, but this disease is chronic and lifelong.
Churg-Strauss Syndrome is a type of vasculitis that causes the blood vessels to become inflamed in the abdomen and the lungs as well as on the skin, it can also affect the nerve system. The actual cause of Churg-Strauss Syndrome has yet to be discovered, but in most cases it starts by affecting the immune system of asthma and bronchial sufferers. The cause has also been linked to several asthma medications known as leukotriene-modifiers although this has not been confirmed.
A person with Churg-Strauss Syndrome may find that they have recently suffered a loss in weight. They may also suffer from fevers and a lot of the time they may feel extremely tired and weak.
Early stages of CSS Syndrome are characterised by allergy. Almost all of the patients have experienced asthma andor allergies. On average, in patients, the asthma develops from between three to nine years before the symptoms show. Sinusitis is also present in some patients.
One stage that is most common in all sufferers, however, is the allergic stage, consisting of asthma, sinus pain and hayfever. The allergic stage is typically the first of several, with immune system related symptoms often following it. Medically this stage is known as eosinophilic stage and relates to intricacies arising from the white blood cells, the presence of which is normally notably, and sometimes dangerously, higher in those with Churg-Strauss than those without. Though the symptoms relating to this - amongst them fever, loss of appetite and fatigue - do not sound overly severe, a particularly high white blood cell count can have perilous affects on the body.
Latter stages are the onset of vasculitis. This is the inflammation of the blood vessels and therefore a reduction of blood flow to different organs and tissues. The local and systemic symptoms all become a lot more widespread. Severe complications can also arise at this stage. Thrombosis in the damaged arteries can sometimes occur. Some patients can experience recurring abdominal complaints. The most life threatening complication of this stage is heart disease. Heart disease is the cause of nearly a half of all the deaths in patients with Churg-Strauss syndrome.
The treatment for Churg-Strauss syndrome includes: Immunosuppressive drugs, High dose Steroids, Cyclophospamide puls therapy. In addition to this, in many cases the disease can perhaps be put into a remission through drug therapy, but this disease is chronic and lifelong.
About the Author:
There is a lot of information to learn when it comes to churg-strauss syndrome. An excellent strating point for answering questions like: What is the Life expectancy of Churg Strauss Syndrome, would be to visit the following website at
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