Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spineone Patient Review

By Jerome J Hoffman

Jerome Hoffman was a patient at SpineOne in Denver, CO. He was violently rear-ended in an automobile accident in 2012 and needed help for acute back and neck pain.

He went to SpineOne and was diagnosed with sciatic nerve pain due to a slipped disc that was caused by the accident. After the diagnosis and discussion with Dr. Haney, a comprehensive treatment plan was developed that included 3 very targeted injections - 2 in the lumbar region, 1 in the cervical area, medication, and Physical Therapy. The injections, combined with Physical Therapy to help strengthen his core, got him started on the road to recovery.

Jerome took 2 months of serious physical therapy and a targeted injection before he felt he could start to feel good about his back and neck. After 4 months of therapy and the last injection, he discontinued the medication and could start to do some of the things that he did before the accident - pick up a bag of groceries, hold a baby. He continued to do physical Therapy 2-3 times a week, in which the focus was strengthening his core and instructing him how to do exercises by himself. The Physical therapist that he worked with was very clear that she made sure that Jerome did his "assignments" each and every week. After 6 calendar months, Jerome was pleased to proclaim that he was "pain-free" and no longer had back pain. Or neck pain.

As Jerome mentions in the SpineOne Review, what he really liked about SpineOne was that everything is under one roof. He had x-rays and his MRI at the Park Meadows Imaging Center, his minimally-invasive surgeries at the Lone Tree Surgery Center, and his physical therapy at SpineOne Occupational and Rehabilitation Center. All of these facilities are located at the main building located at 8500 Park Meadows Drive, Lone Tree, CO. or just 1 block west of the main building. Jerome also mentioned that he thought that the staff was very courteous and friendly.

SpineOne appreciates the video testimonial that Jerome gave and we are extremely pleased that he is now living pain-free. If you, or someone you care about, is experiencing back or neck pain, please give us a call at and schedule an appointment with one of our spine specialists medical physicians. We can help you, or that person, get started on the road to recovery.

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