Friday, October 18, 2013

RIP1 Protein Within Cancer Research

By Robbie Sutter

Cancer research has a number of different aspects associated with it, which is something that goes without saying. People will most likely have their own ideas as to what the greatest triggers are as far as this matter is concerned. Are some of these more likely than others, you may wonder? It's tough to say, especially with all of the details tied into this level of research, but it seems like there has been new information in regards to the RIP1 protein, which plays its own role on the matter.

A written piece on BioNews Texas spoke about the matter, saying that the RIP1 protein could play into cancer research in general. It can help to control of the growth of a number of different cells in the brain you could think of, with glioblastomas being seen amongst the group. The article said that there was a study done at the UT Southwestern Medical Center and it appears as though quite a bit of strong information was uncovered. It's the kind of information that deserves the attention of organizations the likes of Voices against Brain Cancer.

The way that the RIP1 protein operates is almost like a cellular switch, which plays into tumor cells. The article spoke about this and it's been said that RIP1 actually works with a receptor dubbed EGFRvIII, which allows the aforementioned protein to control the survival rates of cells within these tumors. It should be noted that these two elements can become together in order to create NFB. This serves as a way for the growth of these very wells to be controlled with the utmost efficiency in place.

It seems like, with this information set in place, there is seemingly a much stronger foundation than there would have been otherwise. Studies keep their focus on glioblastomas for a reason, which is something that I am sure you have kept in mind. These tumor types are among the most common and the fact that they progress at the fastest rates is worth noting as well. It's been said that glioblastomas make up for about 30% of tumors seen in the body and after reading about them, it's hard for me to argue.

Any type of information within the realm of cancer research is helpful and I feel as though this is no exception. It seems like it could bring a number of different therapies to the surface now that it is known which types of elements are in existence. Brain cancer is an important matter and the fact that there is so much work done for it speaks volumes, in my opinion. It's just a matter of the best work being done so that solid cures have a chance of being discovered.

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