Friday, November 1, 2013

It Is Best To Treat Fever Blisters In Their Early Stages.

By Jane Perone

There are two types of cold sore medication: over-the-counter treatments, or prescription strength medication. People who suffer from frequent or severe breakouts may consider consulting with their doctor to determine whether or not a prescription treatment is appropriate for their needs.

Prescription cold sore medications can be prescribed in several dosages. Some doctors prefer the patient to keep the medication on hand, and then when an outbreak begins the patient starts taking the medication immediately.

You will want to consult with your doctor to find the cold sore medication that is right for you. Let's take a look at the different medications your physician may recommend.

The use of these medications effectively reduces the pain, decrease the time to heal, reduces the number of lesion that develop and reduces the mount of viral shedding. If you are suffering from fever blisters it is best to first combat HSV with oral medications in conjunction with topical medications. Not every medication will work the same way for all people. It is in your best interested to test as many as many medications as you can to see which ones help you fight off a cold sore on a consistent basis.

There are gels and cremes that can be placed directly on the affected area, these formulas usually help to only relieve the pain and discomfort associated with the symptoms.

Docosanol is the only over the counter cold sore medication that has shown proven results in shortening the duration of cold sore outbreaks. It is especially effective if taken at the first sign of an outbreak, during the tingling stage.

But, if you learn about different treatment options and medications that can help to prevent breakouts and reduce the healing time, you can effectively manage your symptoms and live a life with minimal breakouts.

The internet offers mixed reviews on many of the dozens of cold sore medications on the market today, ranging from statements like "my cold sore was gone in two hours" to "this stuff made it worse!" Some cold sore medications obviously have a better track record than others, but it can be difficult to find the perfect remedy for that annoying and embarrassing cold sore.

You most likely will also want to pick up one of the topical over the counter medications to help with the symptoms you will experience during an outbreak.

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