Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Focusing On Important Aspects Of Glioblastoma

By Rob Sutter

GEN posted an article about glioblastoma, which is heavily regarded as one of the most serious conditions in the body. It's not hard to see why, as it is seen as the most common and aggressive form of brain cancer known. Keep in mind that this condition accounts for 15% or so of all tumors found in adults. Studies are going to have to be done in order to expand on the matter and there are a few components that should be looked to as well.

There is a level of severity to consider with glioblastoma tumors but what does this entail, you may wonder? These tumors have a number of different cell types within but it is the litany of stem cells which seem to cause the greatest amount of activity in the long term. Keep in mind that these are the ones which aid in cell perpetuation and growth time and time again, making the condition that much more serious. It's one of the many focuses of organizations like Voices against Brain Cancer.

There was a study done by a group of researchers seen within the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital at McGill University. The group in question put to use an in vivo mouse model that would oversee the activity seen in human GBM-derived brain tumor initiating cells. FOXG1 and TLE were the two proteins looked into and it was determined that they could play into the shifts seen in various genes as well. It's clear that there is attention brought to the potential regulators of this serious condition.

It's clear that there is a lot of focus that goes into the various methods tied to research in general. Keep in mind that while methods like standard surgery and chemotherapy exist, they may not be as positively impacting in the long term. This means that there has to be attention brought to other areas of this level of research, which is why there has been such focus on elements like FOXG1 and TLE. Seeing as how they can come together in order to decrease activity in tumors, the aforementioned attention is appropriate.

With such progress possessing the potential to come to the surface, I can only hope that glioblastoma studies will be helped in the long term. There are many stories to take into account and the fact that many of them are circulating on the Internet is a point that is hard to overlook. Certain components will be looked into more than others but can they work with therapies to come? From what I have seen, the element of possibility is one that is very much apparent.

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