Sunday, September 8, 2013

4 Considerations For A Healthier You

By Peter Jenkins

The symptoms of diabetes are controllable for the most part, but its effects can be severe and may progressively get worse, even when drugs are being taken to control the symptoms. Issues that can occur are impaired circulation, kidney disease, vision issues, damage to the nerves, damage to the skin, and a stroke or heart attack. This is why a diet that supports good overall health is considered a really good diabetes diet as well.

Healthy Diabetes Diet Considerations

1. Eat More Fiber

Fiber is important for overall health. You probably know that fiber helps with the digestive process, but it has also been shown to lower heart disease, which is often a problem for diabetics. Another interesting point to note is that although fiber is a carbohydrate (similar to sugars and starches), it will not elevate your blood glucose level because the body does not break it down and digest it.

Most foods with high fiber content are healthy. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains all contain naturally built-in fiber.

2. Limit Sugar

While the amount of sugar a person with diabetes should have can vary depending on their blood glucose response to it, sugar is not a healthy addition to any diet. Among many other things, sugar has been linked to cancer, weight gain, and premature aging. Research has shown that sugary drinks are linked to type 2 diabetes, and the American Diabetes Association strongly suggests limiting sugar-filled beverages.

3. Low Protein

A diabetes diet with a low protein content helps safeguard the kidneys. Diabetes contributes to kidney failure because elevated blood sugar damages the capillaries and nerves that promote adequate kidney function. Consuming large quantities of protein places undue stress on the kidneys, as they are the organs that must excrete protein-derived waste products from the body.

4. A diabetes diet should be low in saturated fats

Those with diabetes have one more good reason to avoid saturated fats. Saturated fat is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease onset and aggravate insulin response. Another benefit of reducing saturated fat intake is an acquired tendency to increase monosaturated fats, which are beneficial for overall health, particularly the heart.

A diet that includes the above four guidelines has the ability to prevent chronic diseases and support good health. In addition, it can help with weight loss and weight maintenance. As far as a diabetes diet, the rules can vary depending on how much restriction is required to control personal lipid levels and blood glucose, however, most people will benefit by following these guidelines fairly strictly.

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